Preparation Of Opinion Letters For Tax Issues In New York
Developers of commercial property, including condominium and homeowners associations, frequently need advice regarding what their real estate taxes may be after construction, subdivision or merger of lots. Our firm prepares official letters explaining how the municipalities involved may assess the effected parcels. Sometimes, state law and/or the lender for these types of projects require written opinion letters. Our firm typically prepares opinion letters on a flat fee basis to be agreed upon in advance.
Experienced Attorneys And In-House Appraisal Team Solving Your Real Estate Tax Issues
At the law firm of Brandt, Steinberg, Lewis & Blond LLP, our attorneys are experienced at the preparation of opinion letters. Augmenting the attorneys, our head of appraisal, Mr. Patrick Burke is invaluable in the research phase of our work. Mr. Burke’s experience, as both a City Assessor and Director of Appraisal & Hearings at the New York City Tax Commission, provides our clients with insight from a practical standpoint that cannot be gleaned from a textbook.
Our firm researches your problem both legally and from a valuation standpoint to prepare real estate tax opinion letters in New York. We work with clients who own or are concerned with the development of:
- Multifamily dwellings
- Shopping centers and retail shops
- Office buildings
- Co-ops and condos
- Industrial buildings
- Other commercial real estate
Trust our firm to combine legal and appraisal experience with our state-of-the-art technology database to prepare your real estate tax opinion letter. Moreover, trust us to simultaneously protect your rights through tax certiorari appeals and litigation when necessary.
Contact Brandt, Steinberg, Lewis & Blond LLP For Experienced Representation
For more information regarding the preparation of opinion letters in New York, contact a lawyer at Brandt, Steinberg, Lewis & Blond LLP to discuss your legal issues. Call to make an appointment at 212-563-2200.